ハタ科 Serranidae Groupers,
Sea Basses
25 ミカンオキハナダイ(新称)
Lepidoperca coatsii
(Regan, 1913) Westwind
examined: 1 (SNFR 19297; 127 mm SL), 643–702 m
D X, 17; A III, 8; P1 17; P2 I, 5; GR 9+24=33; LLS 42; V
10+16=26. Measurements: head length
39.4% SL; body depth 39.5% SL; dorsal-fin base length 57.9% SL; anal-fin base
length 18.9% SL; eye diameter 33.4% HL; interorbital
width 24.0% HL; snout length 24.4% HL; upper-jaw length 46.4% HL; lower-jaw
length 49.0% HL; caudal-peduncle length 23.2% SL; caudal-peduncle depth 11.7%
SL; pectoral-fin length 32.0% SL; pelvic-fin length 22.8% SL.
特 徴 体は側扁し,体高は高い.頭部は大きく,主鰓蓋骨に扁平な棘が3本ある.前鰓蓋骨の後縁は鋸歯状.下鰓蓋骨と間鰓蓋骨の接合部付近および間鰓蓋骨の下縁は鋸歯状.口は大きく斜位で,上顎後端は眼の中心の直下を越える.両顎には幅の狭い絨毛状歯帯があり,前方を向く犬歯が上顎先端部に1対,下顎先端部に2対.下顎の中央付近には後方を向く犬歯が1対ある.鋤骨,口蓋骨には絨毛状歯帯がある.内翼状骨と舌(基舌骨)に歯はない.眼は大きく,頭長の約1/3.吻は短く,吻長は眼径よりも短い.両眼間隔域は平坦で,眼径より狭い.胸鰭は長く,その後端は臀鰭始部の直上を越える.腹鰭は短く,肛門に達しない.尾鰭の後縁はわずかに湾入する.鱗は基部に微小棘帯をもつ櫛鱗で,体の鱗は大きく,頭部と各鰭の基部を被う鱗は小さい.体色は背部で橙色,腹部では淡桃色.各鰭は黄色で,背鰭棘条部の鰭膜には褐色斑がある.
分 布 南大西洋中央部と東部,インド洋南西部(Roberts,
1989; Anderson and Heemstra, 2012).
備 考 オキハナダイ属はハナダイ亜科に分類されており,鱗は櫛鱗で,鱗の基部から中央付近にかけて微小棘帯があること,主上顎骨に鱗があること,前鰓蓋骨の腹縁に前向棘がないこと,背鰭が10棘15–21軟条,側線鱗数38–51,鰓耙数(総数)29–41という形質の組み合わせによって他の属から識別される(Roberts,
1989; Anderson and Heemstra, 2012).本属は10有効種が知られるが,そのうちの9種はニュージーランドからオーストラリアに分布し,本種のみが南大西洋中央部と東部およびインド洋南西部から知られている.本種は背鰭棘条部に褐色斑をもつこと,側線鱗数が42–51,側線下方鱗数が13であることから同属他種から識別できる(Roberts,
Description Body
deep, compressed. Head large, with three flat opercular
spines. Posterior margin of preopercle serrated. Subopercle and interopercle near
their junction and lower margin of interopercle
serrated. Mouth large, oblique, posterior end of upper jaw extending to a
vertical through center of eye. Both jaws with narrow bands of villiform teeth, one and two pairs of anteriorly
directed canine teeth at near symphyses of upper and
lower jaws respectively; one pair of recurved canine teeth
at near mid-point of lower jaw. Villiform teeth bands
on vomer and palatine. Endopterygoid
and tongue (basihyal) without teeth. Eye large, its
diameter ca. 1/3 of head length. Snout short, its length shorter than eye
diameter. Interorbital
space flat, its width narrower than eye diameter. Pectoral
fin long, posterior tip extending beyond level of anal-fin origin. Pelvic fin
short, not reaching anus. Caudal fin slightly forked. Scales ctenoid with ctenial bases
present proximal to marginal cteni; body scales
large, small scales covered on head and fin bases. Dorsal body orange, pinkish
white ventrally. All fins yellow, dark blotches present on interspinous
membrane of dorsal fin.
Distribution Central
and eastern
Remarks The
genus Lepidoperca Regan, 1914 is distinguishable from
other genera of Anthiinae by having ctenoid scales with ctenial bases
present proximal to marginal cteni, scaly maxilla, no
antrorse spines on the ventral margin of preopercle, dorsal-fin rays X, 15–21, lateral-line scales
38–51, and total gill rakers on the first arch 29–41
(Roberts, 1989; Anderson and Heemstra, 2012). The
genus Lepidoperca
comprises 10 valid species, nine of which are distributed in
(M. Okamoto)