アシゲマトウダイ科(新称)Cyttidae                                   Lookdown Dories


SNFR 19280, 291 mm SL.

18 ギンマトウダイ

Cyttus traversi Hutton, 1872                                              King Dory


Specimens examined: 9 (SNFR 19218, 19279–19282; 143–494 mm SL), 637–950 m depth.

Counts: D VIII–XI, 34–38; A II, 37–39; P1 16–18; P2 I, 6; GR 4+15–18=19–22; LLS ca. 120–130; V 11+30–32=41–43. Measurements: head length 40.5–44.9% SL; body depth 65.6–76.8% SL; predorsal length 63.7–69.6% SL; preanal length 54.7–63.3% SL; eye diameter 28.0–39.7% HL; interorbital width 20.0–24.5% HL; snout length 48.3–57.5% HL; upper-jaw length 43.2–47.3% HL; postorbital head length 19.5–27.0% HL; caudal-peduncle depth 15.4–18.2% HL; caudal-peduncle length 23.1–29.4% HL; pectoral-fin length 30.4–33.5% HL; pelvic-fin length 18.3–24.3% HL.


計数形質:背鰭8–11棘,34–38軟条;臀鰭2棘,37–39軟条;胸鰭16–18軟条;腹鰭1棘,6軟条;鰓耙数4+15–18=19–22;側線鱗数約120–130;脊椎骨数11+30–32=41–43計測形質:頭長40.5–44.9 % SL;体高65.6–76.8 % SL;背鰭前長63.7–69.6 % SL;臀鰭前長54.7–63.3 % SL;眼径28.0–39.7 % HL;両眼間隔幅20.0–24.5 % HL;吻長48.3–57.5 % HL;上顎長43.2–47.3 % HL;眼後頭長19.5–27.0 % HL;尾柄高15.4–18.2 % HL;尾柄長23.1–29.4 % HL;胸鰭長30.4–33.5 % HL;腹鰭長18.3–24.3 % HL

特 徴 体は高く,円盤形で,強く側扁する.頭は大きく,頭部背側の輪郭はほぼ直線状.吻は長い.眼と上唇の間隔は広い.前鼻孔は小さく,楕円形で, 後鼻孔は大きく,スリット状.眼は大きい.口は大きく,斜位で,伸出できる.前上顎骨の上向突起は長く,両眼間隔域に達する.上唇は幅広い.主上顎骨の後端は広い.両顎と鋤骨に絨毛状歯がある.下顎後端は尖る.胸部と腹部の正中線両側にジッパー状の稜鱗が発達する.背鰭始部は胸鰭後端の直上かそれよりやや後方にある.臀鰭始部は背鰭棘条部の下方にある.臀鰭第1棘は担鰭骨に癒合し,不動.胸鰭は小さい.腹鰭は小さく,その基底は胸鰭基底直下にある.尾柄は細い.尾鰭の背側に2本,腹側に3本の小棘がある.体と頬部は小さい櫛鱗で覆われる.背鰭および臀鰭基底に沿って大きくかつ固着した鱗が2–3列に並ぶ.体は銀灰色で,背側はやや暗色.各鰭は灰色がかる.頭部背面、吻,両顎および前鰓蓋骨域は薄い桃色。

分 布 南アフリカ,マダガスカル海嶺,オーストラリアおよびニュージーランドの水深400–1000 mの海底付近(Bray, 2008; 本研究).

備 考 アシゲマトウダイ属(新称)Cyttus3種を含む(Bray, 1994, 2008.南アフリカから記録があるのはギンマトウダイのみで,他の2種はオーストラリアおよびニュージーランド海域から知られている(Paxton et al., 2006).

 ギンマトウダイは臀鰭第1棘が担鰭骨に癒合して動かないこと,胸部と腹部の正中線付近にジッパー状の稜鱗が発達すること,背鰭軟条が34本以上であること,臀鰭軟条が35本以上であることで,アシゲマトウダイ(新称)C. australis (Richardson, 1843)とヒメマトウダイC. novaezealandiae (Authur, 1885)から識別される(Bray, 2008).




Description Body deep, disc-like and strongly compressed. Head large, its dorsal profile almost straight. Snout long. Distance between eye and upper lip wide. Anterior nostril small, elliptical; posterior one large, slit-like. Eye large. Mouth large, oblique and well protrusible. Ascending process of premaxilla long, reaching to interorbital space. Upper lip wide. Posterior end of maxilla wide. Villiform teeth on both jaws and vomer. Posterior end of mandible pointed. Zipper-like scutes developed along both sides of midline of thorax and belly. Dorsal-fin origin above or slightly behind end of pectoral fin. Anal-fin origin below spinous part of dorsal fin. First anal-fin spine fused to pterygiophore and immovable. Pectoral fin small. Pelvic fin small, its base just below pectoral-fin base. Caudal peduncle narrow. Procurrent rays spine-like, consisting of two rays dorsally and three ventrally. Body and cheek covered with small ctenoid scales. Enlarged, adherent scales arranged in a few rows along dorsal-fin and anal-fin bases. Body silvery grey; slightly darker dorsally. All fins greyish. Dorsal surface of head, snout, jaws and preopercular region light pink.

Distribution South Africa, Madagascar Ridge, Australia and New Zealand at 400–1000 m depth, near bottoms (Bray, 2008; present study).

Remarks The genus Cyttus comprises three species (Bray, 1994, 2008). From South Africa, only Cyttus traversi has been recorded; the other two species are known from Australian and New Zealand waters (Paxton et al., 2006).

Cyttus traversi is distinguished from C. australis (Richardson, 1843) and C. novaezealandiae (Arthur, 1885) in having the first anal-fin spine fused to its pterygiophore and immovable, zipper-like scutes developed along the midline of thorax and belly, and soft rays 34 or more in the dorsal fin and 35 or more in the anal fin (Bray, 2008).

(G. Shinohara)


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