キンメダイ科 Berycidae
15 キンメダイ
Beryx splendens
Lowe, 1834 Splendid
examined: 6 (SNFR 19221–19225, 19227; 159–209 mm
SL), 400–792 m depth.
D IV, 14–15; A IV, 28–30; P1 17–18; P2 I, 10–11; GR 6–7+20–22=26–28;
LLS 65–72; V 10+14–15=24–25. Measurements:
head length 33.8–35.3% SL; body depth 37.4–41.4% SL; eye diameter 35.7–38.9%
HL; interorbital width 20.0–23.4% HL; snout length 17.9–20.1%
HL; upper-jaw length 50.4–55.3% HL; lower-jaw length 58.8–65.3% HL;
caudal-peduncle length 34.7–38.7% HL; caudal-peduncle depth 29.9–33.0% HL;
pectoral-fin length 85.1–88.8% HL; pelvic-fin length 69.9–75.0% HL.
SL;体高37.4–41.4% SL;眼径35.7–38.9% HL;両眼間隔20.0–23.4% HL;吻長17.9–20.1% HL;上顎長50.4–55.3%HL;下顎長58.8–65.3% HL;尾柄長34.7–38.7% SL;尾柄高29.9–33.0% HL;胸鰭長85.1–88.8% HL;腹鰭長69.9–75.0% HL.
特 徴 体は側扁し,卵円形で後部は細い.眼は大きく,眼径は頭長の約1/3.吻は短く,眼径の約半分.後鼻孔はスリット状.口は大きく,傾斜する.上顎後端は瞳孔の後縁直下に達する.下顎は突出する.眼の前方側面に強い1棘がある.上顎歯は微細で,広い歯帯をなす.下顎歯は円錐形で湾曲し,上顎歯より大きく,狭い歯帯をなす.鋤骨歯および口蓋骨歯は下顎歯とほぼ同形同大.鰓耗は細長い.鱗は櫛鱗で,内側に卵形の軟骨質の突起がある.側線は前部でわずかに湾曲し,後部では直線状で尾鰭上に延びる.背鰭は1基で,基底長は臀鰭基底長の約2/3.背鰭第1軟条が糸状に長く伸びる個体がある.臀鰭基底長は長く,頭長とほぼ等しい.胸鰭は斜め上方へ向き、先端が尖り,基部はほぼ水平.尾鰭は強く二叉し,上葉および下葉の先端は尖る.背鰭,臀鰭および腹鰭の棘条は強く,溝が密に刻まれる.頭部,背部およびすべての鰭は鮮紅色.腹部は銀白色.腹膜は黒い.
分 布 北東太平洋および地中海を除く全世界 (Paxton, 1999).
備 考 全世界から同属の2種,ナンヨウキンメ Beryx decadactylus Cuvier, 1829 およびフウセンキンメ Beryx mollis Abe, 1958 が知られる (Busakhin, 1982).キンメダイは,ナンヨウキンメからは体高が低いこと (35–41
vs. 46–53%SL),背鰭軟条数が少ないこと (13–15
vs. 16–20) で容易に識別できる (Yoshino
et al., 1999; 林,
2013; 本研究).キンメダイはフウセンキンメとよく似るが,後鼻孔がスリット状であること(フウセンキンメでは楕円形),背鰭軟条数が多いこと(13–15,
vs. 12–13, 多くは13),鱗の縁辺の鋸歯が弱いこと,幽門垂が多いこと (27–36
vs. 13–20) で区別できる (Yoshino
et al., 1999;Yoshino and Kotlyar, 2001).
Description Body
laterally compressed, oval, posteriorly tapering. Eye
large, its diameter about 1/3 of HL. Snout short, its length about half of eye
diameter. Posterior nostril slit-like in shape. Mouth large, oblique. Upper jaw
extending to below posterior margin of pupil. Lower jaw produced. One strong
lateral spine in front of eye. Teeth on upper jaw minute, in wide band; teeth
on lower jaw conical and curved, larger than those of upper jaw, in narrow
band. Vomerine and palatine teeth about similar in
size and shape to lower jaw teeth. Gill rakers
slender. Scales ctenoid, with an oval-shaped cartilaginous
growth medially. Lateral line slightly curved anteriorly,
straight posteriorly, extending onto caudal fin.
Dorsal fin single, its base about 2/3 of anal-fin base in length. First soft
ray of dorsal fin may be elongated and filamentous. Anal-fin base long, about
equal to head length. Pectoral fin oblique and pointed, its base nearly
horizontal. Caudal fin strongly forked, its lobes pointed. Spines of dorsal,
anal, and pelvic fins strong, densely striated. Head, dorsum and fins bright
red; abdomen silvery white; peritoneum black.
Distribution Circumglobal,
except Northeast Pacific and
Remarks Two congeners, Beryx decadactylus Cuvier,
1829 and Beryx mollis Abe,
1959 are known (Busakhin, 1982). Beryx splendens is easily distinguished from B. decadactylus
in the shallower body (35–41 vs. 46–53% SL), and fewer dorsal-fin soft rays (13–15
vs. 16–20) (Yoshino et al., 1999;
Hayashi, 2013; present study). Beryx splendens is quite similar to B. mollis, but can be distinguished by
having a slit-like posterior nostril (oval-shaped in B. mollis), more dorsal-fin rays (13–14,
mostly 14 vs. 12–13, mostly 13), weaker serrations of scale margins, and more
pyloric caeca (27–36 vs. 13–20) (Yoshino et al., 1999; Yoshino and Kotlyar, 2001).